Advantage of Foresight

With the loss of a single day of your life every time you use it, would you use a power to predict the future?

I’m not altogether certain I would. It would definitely be tempting to take a peek at lottery numbers, but would that really make my life any better? When I think about it, probably not. Sure, I would have a grand time spending it on other people and trying to set up trust funds and scholarships and such. But society as it is these days, too many people believe in taking what they get from others instead of working for what they need. By winning said lottery, not only would I be taking the easy route, I would be leading others into the temptation of the same. Perhaps that’s why God still hasn’t allowed me to win the lottery. That’s what I’d like to believe anyway.

Of course we could always use said power to see how our relationships would work out before getting into one. That would sure be handy. But would it be fair to cheat my future spouse out of even a single day together? And sometimes we’re put into another’s lives to teach them or to be taught something. If we look back, many times it is more our bad relationships that teach us how to treat someone properly. Even a bad example, can show us a good path.


All considered, I think I’d prefer to put my future in God’s hands. At least he wouldn’t lose days of life afterwards. 🙂

Would you use your power?

Advantage of Foresight.

Labor Day… Or Whose Season Is It Anyway?

It’s that wonderful, brilliant time of year again. The South is notorious for it, but I’m sure we’re not the only ones. Labor day is over. It’s fall again.

In the coming weeks, there will be mornings that start out cool enough to need to wear jackets. It’ll be delightful until the temperatures skyrocket halfway to lunch time and we’re sweltering in those warm clothes. In childhood, it meant lost jackets and sweaters. If you’re anything like me, it’s much the same as an adult. I can’t tell you how many times that I’ll be getting ready to head out, feel the chill in the air, and step back in to grab my jacket. But do I see it? Of course not. It’ll be a few minutes, but I’ll realize that once again my jacket has been left behind in the car. And when you’re young it’s usually one of those not quite plastic coats that are ten times colder and seem to take forever to warm up to body temperature. And during the Southern Fall that’s usually about the time to take it off.

Of course we’re not there yet. It’s still hot as anything outside. Which begs the mention of the other great Southern Fall disagreement. White after Labor Day. Some say it’s an etiquette detail and nothing more. Others say that it’s just because of the weather and thusly to be ignored thanks to the strange Southern Fall. After doing my homework I found the truth behind it even more bizarrely annoying. According to an article on the White Rule in Mental Floss magazine (a greatly diverse magazine that always has something in it that you never knew that you didn’t know) the background of the White Rule was less about the weather and more about money. Apparently, it was part of a list of etiquette rules created sometime in the 1800s to primarily let old money know if they were dealing with new money or old money.

That being said, we’re getting to my favorite part of fall. My favorite yearly writing competitions and challenges all happen at this time of the year. And on top of that, my favorite writing clothes have always been sweat pants and sweat shirts. Good comfort clothing. Is it possible to wear during summer and the first part of fall? Of course not.

But that time is coming. My time is coming.

What is your beef with fall? Comment to commiserate or say a few words in support of fall.

90 Days to Your Novel – Day 1

The beginning of every journey starts with one step. Even though I’ve already completed one novel length story, I have purchased 90 Days to Your Novel: A Day-by-Day Plan for Outlining & Writing Your Book. Hopefully my next novel will be more publishable than the last.

That being said, I’ve read the task for day one and I’m already starting to rethink the plan. I’m supposed to think back to my earliest memories and write them all down.

I’m lucky if I can remember what I did last week. Perhaps I can add in the stories I have been told. Regardless, I have a hard time believing that I can write for 2-3 hours on such a topic.

Here’s to the possibility that tomorrow’s task will be somewhat easier.

In addition to all that, at the suggestion of The Daily Post, I’ve claimed my blog at Blog Lovin’. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

The Unknown – Wordle 175

Wordle 175

My rickety cart shudders its way
Along the cliff, threatening my day
Fear fills my bones when I cannot see
The bottom of the chasm clearly

Will I fall? Live? Which do I want?
Options and choices are a harsh taunt
A rift of unknowns besides me
Gives flight to a longing for safety

The rails shift with life’s stutter
My heart clenches in fear’s mutter
Language fails me as fear guides me
Sanity’s absence brings a giddy glee

A glimmer shows on the horizon
Light baffles fear as it enlighten
Will hope sustain me long enough?
The tracks straightens passing the bluff

Only the Blind May See

A quaint serenity fills the air,

A peacefulness that is so rare.

Gone is the busyness of the day,

Replaced with a sparkling sun ray.


A bubbling brook wanders by,

As modernity begins to die.

A simple hand upon a tree,

Proves that life is still free.


Worries disappear with every step,

Leaves crumbling like every fret.

Frightened wildlife begins to show,

As their faith begins to grow.


Such beauty paints a picture just for me,

A picture that only the blind may see.


Daily Prompt: Lookin’ Out My Back Door.

Faces on the Road

Scattered faces on the road

Blending all together

Hopeful faces

All sad

I should stop

I want to stop

Yet I can’t

Surely there are others

It’s not only me

I’m not alone of the road

I want to stop,

To give them a lift.

Yet I don’t,

So afraid yet filled with guilt

What if it were me?

I ask myself

As another face goes past.

Would I stop for myself?

It could be anyone.

A murderer. A rapist.

A tired single mother.

A worn out traveling father.



Still Guilt.


Daily Prompt: Sorry, I’m Busy.

Do You Still Remember Me?

Courtesy of WordPress’s Daily Prompt (from yesterday) I bring you…

Do You Still Remember Me?

It has been long since I last saw you
It has been long since I last knew you
Will you still remember me?
Will you still welcome me?

I have wandered far and strayed from the path
At first I did not think upon your wrath
But now it has been so very long
I know my deeds have been so very wrong

In the beginning I wondered where you went
I missed your presence but did not know why
From your essence my soul had been rent
I had wandered too far for you to be nigh

That cavernous empty hole in my chest
How much longer until eternal rest?
The feeling of dread when looking home
How much longer must I roam?

It has been long since I last saw you
It has been long since I last knew you
Will you still remember me?
Will you still welcome me?

I want to come home

Daily Prompt: My Favorite.

Daily Prompt: Live to Eat

What is food but nourishment for the body
Too much and too little makes our minds foggy
Some live to eat and others eat to live
I say instead that we should eat to give

To live to eat we waste so much
It brings us further out of touch
Only one benefits and not for long
For it is merely memory and then gone

Better to eat to live, and to live a life
What have we done but altered strife
What have you replaced you excesses with?
Foolhardy adventures and tales of myth?

Blessed are the ones that eat to give
Knowing that they must still eat and live
But money saved can be given to poor
And time saved helping to save more

Daily Prompt: Live to Eat.

via Daily Prompt: Live to Eat.

The Three Doors

Once upon a dark dream
Stood a subconscious scheme
Before me stood three doors tall
Behind them my fate would fall

The first was inky black
With a sheen that oils lack
Oozing hatred and despair
I wish not to reside there

The second was of such beauty
That I did not feel at all worthy
The door painted of purest white
Was too holy, too perfect, too right

The third felt inadequate yet homely
A simple wooden door stood humbly
Neither painted nor perfectly carved
Not quite perfect but seeming deserved

The dream pushes on, the stakes are set
One I don’t want, one I feel a safe bet
And yet I feel the pull of the beautiful door
I want to choose the one which is more

Which door to choose, which one chooses me?
One of hate, one of love, one of mediocrity.
I open the pure door of the olive sprig
I choose to have high hopes, to dream big.

Daily Prompt: Just a Dream.

via Daily Prompt: Just a Dream.

Daily Prompt: Hate to Love

Furtive glances
Lies prepared
Who are we lieing to?
Ourselves? Family? God

The need to know and learn draws us in
We become addicted to the world news
Time has been wasted
Priorities are misplaced

We know everything that happens as it does
But what becomes of those nearby? Are they lost?
The time has come, take a stand
Computers off, rest our hands

Twitter – Facebook – Google+
My Space – LinkdIn – Pinterest
All of them pull us further out
Drawing us along the global route

If we must follow, follow those closest
From global views to the local news
Leave the celebrities for our friends
Keep up with the small town trends

Perhaps this world would be a better place
If we cared more about those closest
Than those in the global race.

Daily Prompt: Hate to Love.

via Daily Prompt: Hate to Love.

— Side Note —

Where did I leave the “Hate to Love” train and pickup the betterment of mankind train? I must have been sleeping during the switchover.